Propaganda Analysis



When looking at the propaganda poster, we can see two big texts at the top and on the bottom of the picture, they are written in an orange color. The top text says, “Destroy this mad brute” and the bottom one says “enlist”. In the center of the image we can see a big gorilla holding a half naked women in his right hand and a wooden stick in hi left. The gorilla is wearing a helmet and has a blond mustache. The animal is looks very angry and dangerous. In the background of the poster we can see a horizon of a city and a lake in front of it.


The color aspect of the picture is mainly dark and depressing. We have the dark city in the background and the gloomy light over it turning into darkness by going further up. The part where the gorilla is standing is very dark too, saying that darkness is everywhere. Also the gorilla is black with big red scary eyes. To all the dark background with the animal on it we have a big contrast in colors by looking at the women that is wearing a light blue dress, the light blue means innocence and goodness, which contradicts with the evil black of the gorilla who is holding her in his arm. The text, which is in a bright orange, stands out and makes it look important as orange, is the color for joy and sunshine.


The message of the poster is very clear and direct. The text saying, “Destroy this mad brute” is very aggressive and disrespectful to the enemy. It is building the image up as the enemy being a mad brute like a wild animal. Putting the text into the image we can see the gorilla right under it. The “Destroy” is directed to the gorilla so destroy the gorilla before it destroys you. The gorilla in the poster is representing General Ludendorff who was one of the leaders in World War 1. His special characteristics were his blond mustache and the typical general helmet they used in WW1. By putting the special features of the general on the gorilla the propaganda poster is personalizing the animal as the general. Also with the look of the animal it indicates the general’s personality, which judging by the gorilla is very angry and dangerous. The gorilla was chosen because it is a powerful and scary animal, which can easily kill humans, also the gorilla is standing up and looking very powerful and strong in the poster. Also the illustrator chose an animal because animals do not have feelings they only have primitive instincts. In nature a human would have respect in front of that animal so it is also indicating than the American should fear and not underestimate the enemy in this case. The gorilla is also holding a club, which says “Kultur” on it, which means culture in German. The club has blood on the top part and the gorilla is holding it like a weapon, symbolizing that the weapon he is carrying has, because of the blood, and will destroy cultures. In the other hand he is holding a half naked women, which probably represent the statue of liberty because she is wearing a similar dress and when entering America people, at that time, had to go by boat and the shortest way was to go to New York and the statue of liberty is in New York. It also represent the liberty of America so by stealing the statue of liberty like in the poster the gorilla or enemy is taking away their freedom and liberty.

When looking at the background again we can see a destroyed city, which represents Europe and the lake, is the Atlantic Ocean, so the German gorilla is crossing the Atlantic and entering America as it says on the ground under the gorilla. The soft gloom behind the city stands for early morning when everyone is asleep and at least expects an attack from the enemy. By going more down there is a second text type saying “Enlist”, with “US Army” written over it, it seems very unimportant but the main focus should be on the top part of the poster and the gorilla. So basically after seeing the angry gorilla destroying America, the solution is given which is by enlisting in the army to defend America from the enemy.


The aim of the propaganda poster is basically to scare everyone of that brutal image created with the gorilla, and to get men to enlist into the army, to defend their country. The poster awakens a patriotic feeling in the viewer, it also creates hate and fear for the enemy. The poster’s message is very clear and easy to understand, it completes all of the emotions, which were intended when creating the poster. 


Manning’s self-made gender hell: Shades of grey in a black and white world

I strongly disagree with the adaptation used similarly by the marriage equality movement. Transgender people had a good image in terms of mainstream media characterisation of trans people over the past few years, focusing the kind of friendly, non-threatening, assimilated people that many non-trans people can support. A revelation like Manning’s has the potential to change that progress in people’s minds of supporting or hating the fact of a transgender man in Manning’s case.

Trans genders had years as a trans movement to prepare for the fact that someday someone will revealed what Manning revealed, nearly since the trial started, LGBT groups did not accept social justice fully that it has alternated. Meaning that LGBT groups have not complimented the important revelations about the horrible foreign policy that Manning brought to light. Instead the distanced themselves from Manning, like it occurred in the San Francisco Gay parade.

Trans genders should not distance themselves from Manning they should instead defend her and take her as a part of their community. With supporting people will accept the fact and get used to it.

Concluding, I think Manning’s revelation is the starting of a new movement that LGBT groups have tried to ignore so far. 



Alemannic German and other features of language


Alemannic German



Alemannic German is a composition of very different Upper German dialects. The name derives from the ancient Germanic alliance of tribes known as the Alamanni (“all men”).

The High German language, which is spoken all over northern Germany, has similarities to the Alemannic German. Some of the differences compared to High German are verbal pronunciation and different words. The Grammar and sentence structure is the same as High German. Language experts say that Alemannic German is divided in four other Dialects, which following are Swiss German, Swabian German, Walser German and Aleman Coloniero. Of those dialects only Swabian German kept its origin place, which is Germany. All other dialects are not spoken in Germany anymore. Alemannic German is not classified as a language or dialect. Linguistic Experts have not agreed on which of the two classifications         it is, but some people think it is a language and others consider it a dialect.

Alemannic German is only spoken in Switzerland, Southern Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, France, Italy, Venezuela (Colonia Tovar Dialect) and the USA (by some Amish groups). All over the world approximately ten million people speak Alemannic German. There is no specific population who speak the language, it was and still is spoken by all kind of social classes.

Alemannic German is not a dying language as it is spoken in a lot of countries all over the world but inside of Germany, Switzerland and Austria Alemannic German is only spoken at informal events, in business or any other higher-class job Upper German now German is the actual language spoken.


Language itself

A language is more than something spoken to communicate. Language contains information that has nothing to do with the actual language spoken; it is a code of every culture. Language carries the information about cultures behaviour, their habits and their way how they lived or still live. Scientist found a lot of information just by analysing the language of a certain culture.

If a language vanishes the whole concept of a culture goes with it. Meaning that when a language dies out, the people that spoke it forget about their own culture and they cannot keep up with the habits their old culture used to have. That is one of the reasons why linguists and other people fight for preserving a language that is extinguishing. Linguists think that when a language dies the world and its behaviour can change. In their opinion language and culture come together as one packet, a language could not exist without a culture who speaks it and the other way around too. 


Kilbourne’s Killing Us Softly 4

The objectification of women’s bodies in ads had a big impact on the image of women. In the last few years of adds the picture of the women significantly changed. Women have been used as an object over the past years in ads; with objectifying the women the image of women has had negative impact the image of the women in our society. These ads caused invisible beauty rule for women. The perfect women which was created by these adds is skinny but with curves, beautiful, always with long hair and often half naked.


In a lot of ads the image on women is offended and it is and insult to them, women should not be there for only one use, which is being sex objects for men. These stereotypes are created by ads, if a woman is portrait as a beer bottle men are getting the image that a women is equal to a bottle of beer. So men will not respect a women they will only see a object to have fun with and than throw away after using it like a bottle of beer. This is a major problem because the image is already in young boys minds if they first start seeing these ads. A man should always treat women as a human being that has the same values than him and not like a beer bottle, which is and object you drink enjoying yourself.


The ads not only influence men, they also have a strong impact on women these days. The image created by these ads forces a woman to become like the woman in the ad, even when she often is not only one person but made out of different women. It starts around the age of 10 years where girls start wearing make up and paying attention on their outer image, which is being thin and beautiful, like the models of the ads. Anorexia is not uncommon in young girls live because a girl wants to look like one of these models to become what they seem in the ad loved and popular.


But not every company is setting these invisible rules. Many companies insist on using models with curves, to not create these massive problems and misunderstanding, which were made by these ads over the last years. One example is the beauty product company Dove which says ‘‘Don’t manipulate our perceptions of real beauty’’, saying that real beauty is what you personally think is beautiful and not what some image from ads tell you to be.

